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Reason to use 8051 MCU.
Despite of being an MCU developed in 1970,by Intel,the new variants (in this case is Silabs,family EFM8B3/2),have enough peripheral included -PWM,SPI,I2c,UART,DAC,ADC,etc,to take control of all aspects neded in controling induction source generator,including safety measure,alarms an updated necesary for expanding the sistem.Just the cost is a clear winner front of more modern core ,like STM family.
Controling the shift betwen 2 or more pwm signals,the peack value of current /consumed power,can be always limited to a value less that the sum of peack pover of diferent chanels without being syncronized

The hardware control of inductiv coil is based on Infineon driver 2ED020I12-FI and the coresponding power transistor,instaled in half-bridge configuration.Low power control is configured in the clasic way ,excepting the levels control.


Firmware for diferent type of modules can be find here.All of them are using Silabs 8051-EFM8B… serie.The modules are HUB_0X(will be eliminated in the future),keyboard KEY_4X,power board for induction stove/inductive energy transfer PWR_8X,and the wireless tools (pot,chargers,power supply,etc) WRL_CX.The PCB modules are made by CLOEN/BECORDLESS in Spain.

Control_Engeniering_Software_kZn_5_00 https://emercom.es/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/kZnV_PWR_2_26.zip